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Laika Studios



Althea Crome talks about the small sweaters and gloves that she knits for the movie Coraline


February, 2009


Tiny Stitches

The Weekly Special


The Weekly Special looks back at one of our favorite Expressions pieces, and perhaps one of the tiniest! We join Althea Crome to learn more about her miniature creations, from tiny socks to detailed sweaters.


June, 2007

Greek Amphora II.jpg



Tiny knitting for very very small people


December, 2013



Media Coverage

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Indy Star


How an Indiana artist made a big career out of teeny sweaters and elfin gloves


Shari Rudavsky 


Nov. 10, 2017


Pocket Museum Exhibit

Houston Center for Contemporary Craft


Pocket Museum


Althea Crome on Storytelling Through Knitting & Our Cultural Fascination With Miniatures


March 14, 2017





These tiny knitted garments are smaller than a fingernail 


Dec 30, 2016



Daily Mini


Miniature Knitting by Althea Crome


Interview with Althea Crome 


July 2015


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Indiana Public Media


Seventy Stitches To The Inch: Althea Crome's Tiny Knits


By Mia Partlow


February 14, 2012


Click image for more detail

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